Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Baby Schow

Many of you have already heard the news, but....

We are having a BABY!!!!

We are so excited for this little baby and can't wait for him/her to get here late September.  We found out we were expecting the night that J had an intramural basketball game.  I was meeting him there and found out before I left that we were having a baby.  I had to watch that whole game and wait to tell him at the end.  We couldn't be happier!

Always gotta double check...

I'm about 12 1/2 weeks now and just had my first appointment this morning.  I LOVE my doctor and his office and I'm really excited for everything to keep progressing.  The baby is currently about 6 cm long and growing fast.  We are praying that everything continues to go smoothly and the baby keeps growing healthy and strong.

I have been feeling decent, for the most part.  I have been suffering from all day nausea and have aversions to practically all food.  My appetite is close to non-existant and I constantly have heart burn.  I feel really lucky to have such a supportive staff at my school and especially a supportive and loving husband.  There have been numerous nights where J scratches my back until I fall asleep.  I used to sleep like a baby and now I feel so bad because I keep him up all night tossing and turning and nagging at him to roll on his side so he'll stop snoring.  Poor guy!

We love living in our new house and we're excited to get the nursery all decorated once we return from Michigan at the end of the summer.  Jason will be leaving middle of April to do his internship in Michigan and I will finish teaching and join him in June :(.  I'm sad we'll be away from each other for a while but we're excited to spend some time with my family.  We're also hoping to find out the gender of the baby on April 14.  I'll barely be 16 weeks, so keep your fingers crossed we can find out before J leaves!!!

Here are some pictures from my ultrasound this morning.  The baby jumped for us and you can see the little hand scratching his/her head.

Thank you to everyone for all your love and support during this exciting time for our family.  We will keep you posted as Baby continues to grow!


  1. Congratulations! You are going to be a terrific mother! I am so excited for you... good luck throughout the whole pregnancy.. I hope everything runs smoothly for you! I can't wait to find out what you are having!

  2. YAY YAY YAY! We are super excited for you guys!!!!
