Tuesday, April 24, 2012

He's Alive!

We've had a busy past couple of weeks, especially since finding out about our cute baby boy.  We are so excited for this little man to get here!  Yesterday I picked up this changing table/dresser off KSL.  I can't wait to paint it white!

Thursday morning I dropped Jason off at the airport.  He's staying a week with his parents in Cardston and then making his way over to Detroit to start his internship.  It's been rough not being able to call him or text him since it's international.  Luckily my parents were in town this past weekend to celebrate Kevin and Meridith's graduation.   I don't know if I could have made it through the long weekend without them!  I'm excited to start this project on the dresser as well as some other projects for the baby's room.  

We had so much fun while they were here.  We attended the graduation on Friday and went out to lunch with a big group of family.  Saturday we went to Trammell and Jen Cox's wedding reception in Salt Lake.  I haven't been to the JSMB since our wedding and it brought back so many good memories!  We also got to see a handful of our favorite people in the Marcucci Family.  We love you guys!

On an even more exciting note, I felt the baby for the first time!  On Friday night I was talking to Jason on the phone and the baby kicked for the first time.  It was such a weird feeling.  Kind of like someone poking me from the inside.  In the past few days I've felt him a bunch of times, mostly when I'm leaning back or laying down.  And ALWAYS when I'm on the phone with Jason.  He must know who I'm talking to.  I was sitting at school today and felt him moving around for about 5 minutes.  It's so fun to finally feel him, it almost makes it feel even more real.  

Saturday, April 14, 2012

It's a....

We had our ultrasound this morning!  We were so excited to go.  It's come up so fast with everything going on lately.

We got to our Dr.'s office and went in for the ultrasound.  The baby was being modest and keeping legs crossed so we couldn't find out the gender.  It took about 5 minutes and then BAM!...

IT'S A BOY!!!!!

We are so thrilled.  We feel like we've known since the beginning that this baby is a boy.  We are so excited to get to know him when he decides to show up this fall.  Jason is excited to have a little man to play with and I can't wait to have a little toe headed baby around.

Here are some pictures from the ultrasound:

This will embarrass him in the future...

Isn't he cute?!  She got some great shots.  She took SO many for us, it was awesome.  

I was so excited I went out and bought him his first cute little outfit.  I'm so excited to start making/buying little man stuff.