Needless to say it was a long day. I got there a half hour early and didn't know anyone. So I made a friend with a really cute elementary school teacher. We all met in an auditorium for the first 4 hours. Don't worry, the temperature reading on this auditorium would have, no doubt, read no higher than 40 degrees. We were all freezing! No one could pay attention (maybe I should say I couldn't pay attention...) and it was, in general, just a long morning. We had lunch with our principals which was great. I'm really looking forward to working with her and the rest of the staff.
After lunch we had "workshops". Although these were full of great information, I was not happy with the fact that some of the instructors were treating us/talking to us like we were in 7th grade. No I'm not going to call back to you when you yell out "1-2-3, all eyes on me!!! Please face forward, class!". That was like... 12 years ago. I also refuse to use the word "kiddo" every other word when I am speaking about my students.
One of the only appealing parts of my day was coming home and finding this:
Sorry ladies, he's mine.
So about an hour ago things got real interesting. I innocently put clothes in the washer and returned to the room I'm staying in. Within minutes I smell smoke. I called out to Hilary and as we peaked into the hall, there is smoke billowing out from underneath the utility room. That end of the apartment is slowly filling with more and more smoke. Because I'm a genius, I immediately ran to the utility room and opened the door, only to find the whole room was filled with smoke and my $130 anthropology dress was trapped inside the washing machine.
It gets worse.
Then the fire alarm starts going off in the apartment. The smoke is still coming and Hilary and I ran outside and called non-other than 911. Thankfully unlike a recent dream I had where I called 911 and the phone rang and rang and rang...and rang, they answered and sent out not one, but 2 fire trucks and 2 ambulances. Before they got there I realized not only was my macbook inside, but the brand new macbook Pro that we just bought Jason. No way those babies were going down in flames. So I did everything they tell you not to do and went back in to the apartment and grabbed my stash.
The fire department finally arrived and we let them do their thing...They cleared all the smoke out of the apartment, removed a door, and notified us that although there were no flames, they had no idea where the smoke was coming from. We all concluded that something is definitely wrong with the washer. And don't worry, my dress survived. So did Hilary.
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