Wednesday, October 5, 2011

It's about Time

Time for an UPDATE!

Sorry everyone... I'm super bad at keeping this blog up.  Lets be honest, I don't have anything THAT exciting to update my little blog with. So just to update a few things:

Teaching:  I love it.  I hate it.  It's a little bit of everything.  Most days I really enjoy it.  I have some fabulous students and I love seeing the progress they're making in my class.  It's amazing how much the generations have changed since I was their age.  It's also pretty cool how much they're still the same.  They still struggle with a lot of the same things I struggled with when I was in middle school.  Girls are still mean.  Boys are still gross.  Most of them still haven't grasped the concept of personal hygiene.  On the other hand, I have students with every color of hair under the rainbow.  At least a dozen of my students have a lip, eyebrow, or multiple ear piercings.  EVERYONE has a cell phone... and EVERYONE tries to sneak a text or two in during my class.  Unfortunately for them, I'm a cell phone nazi.

Last week my Dad was in town.  We were SO excited for him to come!  Because a lot of my students come from lower income families, I really wanted my Dad to come in and talk to my students about how cool his job is and how important it is to continue your education.  My poor Dad was essentially suckered in to teaching two of my classes (sorry Dad!).  But they loved it!  He showed them video's of the cars he's worked on and let them ask him questions.  It was cool to see my students so interested.  And it was a blast to be able to hang out with my Dad for a day.

Hanging out in my Foods Room

In other teaching news... I'm currently at Parent Teacher Conferences.  Yes, I'm blogging between parents.  Because I'm only half-time I have half the parents coming through, so it's a little boring.

Bored... can you tell?

I have met a few really cool parents.  Unfortunately it's a lot of the "A" students who come through with their parents so I never get to talk to the parents of the students I'm actually worried about.  It's pretty sad.    Some of the parents I've met are quite possibly even more interesting then my students.  One parent gave me a loaf of vegan wheat bread...  I'm pretty sure another one wants to be best friends.  I'm totally down with both.  My new BFF generously offered to be my #1 Chaperone for our upcoming field trip, hallelujah!

Next Subject,

Jason:  We are doing awesome.  We have been married now for a little over 9 months and are still happier than ever.  I'm so proud of him and how hard he is working in the accounting program. Some days I see him for a few hours, others only a few minutes.  But I'll take what I can get!  Luckily the group of guys he works with in the program are awesome as well.  We've gotten to know the families of 2 of the guys really well and they are both amazing.  

This is our life for now!  Busy, busy, all the time.  Until next time, we love you!

1 comment:

  1. I can't remember, are you teaching Home Ec-type classes? I am sure you are an amazing teacher. You are awesome!
